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From Dragonair to Cathay Dragon

"Cathay Pacific, Dragonair's owners, have just announced that as of this month, the medium-haul carrier's name will vanish from Asia's airspace.

In a repackaging exercise seen as an attempt to bolster the identity of both airlines, Dragonair planes will bear a new name: Cathay Dragon.

It's a move the Hong Kong-based aviation giant says will help cash in on "international brand recognition and leverage on Cathay Dragon's unique connectivity into Mainland China -- one of the world's fastest-growing business and leisure travel markets."

Airline customers, it adds, "will benefit from greater convenience and a more seamless travel experience."

Dragonair's fleet of 41 aircraft, which connect to points across mainland China and Asia, will now have their tail fins scrubbed of their Chinese dragon logo."

Despite its attempt to bring closer connection bewtween 2 airlines,as of my personal experience of Dragonair,they have the same catering service,the same seat configuration model as well as the same IFE system,the only difference between this 2 airlines is their logo and livery judged on their physical appearence.

Many Hongkonger have said that the name of Cathay Dragon made it a more mainland taste airline rather than the Chinese people of Dragon itself,as the truth as well they are deeply focused on the mainland region.

They will begin to change the livery for their fleets,but one thing I am not certain is whether if they will keep the previous IATA code : KA or will it be change it into something else (CF/CK/CQ/CR maybe ? );those are the only avaliable code for IATA begins with C.

Whether to judge if it is a smart move or not,Dragonair initially was a competitor for Cathay Pacific,but later on Cathay bought the major stake of the airline,made it a collaboration to better serve its regional market.

Here you can see the video which Cathay has published to promote and make statements of their rebranding.


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