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Two Days Left To Get 11400 Eurobonus Points For €279

There's only two days left if you haven't heard of this partnership between SAS and The Economist Magazine, You would be able to get 11,400 Eurobonus points for € 279 (NOK 2229). There are also a cheaper option of choosing between subscribing to only the digital version or the print one, which will give you 8700 Eurobonus points.

Logo all right reserved to The Economist Magazine.

The subscription is for one year and it's non-refundable after 14 days (Within EU), last year they didn't set the 14 days limit, which meant you can call and cancel after the bonus points was credited to your account, however, it seems like they've fixed the loophole this year, as points will be credited to your account after four weeks, but if you choose to cancel, you can only do it within the first two weeks, thus make it impossible for you to "cheat their system".

However, this is still a great deal if you are looking for some quick ways to get points.

Picture from The Economist website

For 279 pounds, you will be getting around 11,400/279 = 40,86 points per pound spent, or in Norwegian Kroner 11,400/2229 = 5.11 points per kroner spent. It's a great points to spent ratio which could be extremely useful if you don't have time to fly lately and would like to redeem points on flights soon.

You may subscribe to take advantage of this promotion from the link here, or read the full terms and conditions on SAS's website here.


Here's their terms and conditions:

  • The Economist is published in English

  • The offer is valid for new subscriber only worldwide, regardless of residence

  • Your Extra points will be on your account after four (4) weeks

  • This offer cannot be cancelled and is non-refundable

  • Any claims, please contact The Economist member service by e-mail.


In order to qualify for the points in this offer, you must maintain your subscription for at least one year. This subscription is non-refundable, except if you are a resident in the EU, in which case you may cancel your subscription in the first 14 days and get a refund for any part of your subscription that has not already been delivered (for the print element) or published (for any digital element) before you cancelled.

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